Have questions? We have answers. Browse through the Skateboarder FAQ below and choose the question and answer that interests you. By clicking either the plus symbol or the question, the answer will unfold.
Can I update the text or photos for my business?
Yes. Each profile on Skateboarder is available to the business owners. First register as a user, then make a claim. To register, click the register button at the top right of the site and login. Once logged in, you will see a “claim” link between print and report on the profile page. You will be required to enter a phone number and a message. Once approved, the profile will become yours to edit and make changes to.
Can I advertise on your website?
Our primary focus at this time is build up Skateboarder.com.au and add lots of great content to it. If you would like to discuss partnering or advertising going forward, please send us a message us via our Contact page.
How do I add a review?
There are a number of sections on Skateboarder that have the option to review. This includes skateparks and shops. To add a review or comment, first make sure you are a registered user and logged in. Then visit the detail page of the place you would like to review. Scoll down the page until you see reviews. Type your comments and review in the box, select the star rating you wish to give the place, then hit submit review.
What should I review?
Anything and everything you have experience with. This is sharing of quality information, skaters for skaters. If you’ve experienced something, visited a skatepark, tried a product, let other skateboarders know your thoughts
Why do some have lots of reviews and others nothing?
There are a lot of reasons for this. Some skateparks are more popular whilst others and barely visited. Some shops have asked their customers through their social media and newsletters to come over and add some thoughts. Others have not. These are just a few.
Do you skate?
We started skateboarding in our mid teens and we are both now in our forties. So to answer your question, yes. We started in the era of big boards with big ramps. Where street was something we did en route to another ramp. Rodney Mullen was amazing at what he did, but what he did was strange. Tony Hawk was king. And these days it’s not much different.
We still hit up ramps and bowls multiple times a week, but we do also mix a bit more street in there nowadays. We probably can’t do a quarter of the tricks we once could, but we keep searching for animal chin. Skate or die.
Can I add my shop/business/brand/skatepark/self?
Yes, we welcome anything and everything skateboard related. Click “Add a Profile” to get started
Can I add an event?
Not only can you add an event, but we welcome it. It’s free, so get adding.
Something isn’t right, can you change it?”]If the information you’ve found on this site isn’t correct, we welcome the opportunity to make it right. Please let us know by using the contact form